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Jellybean Counter secret

Did you know the game "Bean Counters" located at the Coffee Shop, has a special mode? Well it does! When you click the corner of the second bag on Bean Counters! Check it out:




When you click the bag, jellybeans will fall out! When you click the jellybeans, you will be able to play the hidden jelly beans mode! As you can see below:

You can now play the Bean Counters hidden mode! You can play in 3 modes: Hard, Expert or Extreme! Here are the instructions of the game:

Card Jitsu Water Secret

Have you always been losing Card Jitsu Water Games because it's too slow? Did you know there is a way to can play faster? Well when you are playing Card Jitsu Water at the  top screen there is a quality menu! As you can see below:

There are 3 quality modes: low, medium and high quality! All you have to do is put the game in low quality! Now when you are paying a Card Jitsu Water battle, you will be able to be faster then having it in high quality!

Hey Penguins!

Did you know you could play Dance Contest on Expert mode on Single mode? Well you can!

While you are in the difficulty page, don't click easy,medium or hard! Click cadence! And Cadence will say:

You think you're up for the challenge? If so click "yes"!

Now you can now play Dance Contest on Expert mode on single mode!

More secrets coming soon!